Kids Teaching Kids

By Holly

Yesterday some children from our local High School came to visit our school. These children have English as their second language, their original languages being either Karenni, Filipino, Thai, Arabic or Burmese (some of the students even spoke two!).

We had a great morning, first of all we showcased our Jump Rope For Heart skipping team and then did a workshop on skipping. They were actually quite good at it, even though they’ve never done it before! We then went on a website called Storybird to create a book of their choice to help increase their English skills.  Most of the books ended up being about soccer for that is most of these students’ greatest interest.

Finally we all played a great game of soccer with the soccer ball we presented them that was signed with our names. The teams for the game was us versus them, and even though there was more than twice as many of us than them, the game was still a draw! It was clear that they were outnumbered and we were outskilled! It was a fun and enjoyable day and all of our class and their class are looking forward to catching up again in three weeks.

We were in awe of the beautiful and complex script used in their languages in written form; some phrases such as “Hello” and “How are you?” were written on our whiteboard and we are going to try and learn to say “Hello” in the five languages so we can impress our visitors next time!

Our visitors wrote the above greetings on our whiteboard.

Our visitors wrote the above greetings on our whiteboard.

Below you can see an example of one of the books we created on Storybird. This book was created by Jancy, Per Kaw, Wade and myself and is all about… soccer!

Mrs Pratt


  1. Hi Holly, it’s me again! Thank you for commenting on my blog. It’s okay if you misspelled my name. Thank you for the advice on describing things. Please come back soon. Now that I’m done with that I’d like to tell you about your post. It sounded like you had a lot of fun. I can speak Tagalog but I feel shy. I mostly don’t talk but I understand it more. Please come back or go check my classmates blogs. Hope to see you soon.

  2. Hello Holly,

    The class should feel proud of the way you all welcomed the visiting students. I wonder if the high school students have done a recount on their excursion, it would be interesting to find out their views of coming to a small rural school! I agree, their handwriting looks more like an art technique rather than writing, have you tried it?

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